The Team at RiskAware have a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing and delivering training for services such as Clinical Mental Health Teams, Victoria Police, Correctional Services, NGOs, and Community Support Services. We also welcome contact from other agencies such as private companies, Schools, Sporting Associations etc.

We are subject matter experts in Risk Identification/Assessment and our consultation services include behavioural risk analysis and evidence-based management strategies for challenges such as:
- Interpersonal Violence & Aggression (including Threats)
- Occupational Conflict / Workplace Violence
- Sexual Violence/Stalking/Other Offending Behaviours
- Complex Mental Health Presentations (inc suicide)

We can provide a wide range of Individual, Group, and Organizational debriefing and Reflective Practice Sessions, and are accredited providers of Clinical Supervision

We also share a keen interest in capacity building, training and education, and are passionate about developing effective relationships with key stakeholders. We have presented at a variety of national and international conferences on quality improvement strategies in the areas of Mental health, Justice, and Corrections.


Cathy Cooper:
As a senior Mental Health Nurse, Cathy has been working across the health
and Justice sector for the past 34 years. Cathy has worked in a variety of hospital and community-based roles, specializing both in forensic psychiatry and community crisis assessment and management. Cathy values working collaboratively and providing comprehensive risk management strategies to reduce potential for harm.

Dan Nicholson:
Dan has spent 20 years in senior clinical roles in acute and forensic psychiatry,
and various project and operational management roles. Passionate with regards to exploring and understanding interpersonal risk, and creating tailored training packages accordingly for a wide range of service areas.